Introducing the NPO Advisory Council
National Parents Organization is proud to announce the formation of the NPO Advisory Council. NPO employs a research-based approach to activism to reform the norms of separated parenting so that no child is deprived of a full relationship with both parents simply because the parents are not living together.
‘Research-based activism’ has two elements and our Advisory Council reflects both of these. In addition to world-leading researchers on child well-being, parental alienation, domestic violence, and child support, the Advisory Council also includes noted individuals to guide NPO to be more effective in its advocacy.
While the backgrounds and areas of expertise of those on NPO’s new Advisory Council are varied, they all have one thing in common: a deep and abiding commitment to NPO’s mission of improving the well-being of children and benefiting society by helping to ensure that no child loses a full relationship with a parent simply because the child’s parents live apart. This remarkable group of advisors will assist NPO in the realization of that mission. We are grateful for their commitment to this goal and their willingness to share their expertise with us to achieve it.