Meet Andre Rainey

When did you start volunteering with NPO?

I began volunteering with NPO in early 2022.

Tell us a little about yourself?

I am a proud father of four, a lifelong youth advocate, former Mayor of Peekskill, and a small business owner. Having traveled extensively, I believe my life's purpose is to inspire.

What inspired you to get involved with NPO?

I was inspired by NPO's commitment to shared parenting and their use of data-based facts for better outcomes for children.

What is your position in your NPO chapter and what are some of your duties?

I currently serve as the Chair of the New York chapter. My responsibilities include advocating for shared parenting legislation in New York, educating people on the importance of shared parenting based on factual information, and ensuring the best possible outcomes for children involved in custody disputes. Additionally, I work towards holding our family court system accountable for any mishaps and mistakes.

What are some lessons you've learned from your volunteer work?

Through my volunteer work, I've discovered that many people are unaware of the facts surrounding shared parenting. The creation of numerous organizations highlights the dissatisfaction with family court outcomes. Importantly, I've realized that NPO is one of the most effective partners for shared parenting advocates.

What advice would you give to volunteers working toward family law reform?

I would advise volunteers to be patient, diligent, and understanding. Recognize that opposition to shared parenting often stems from personal experiences rather than factual information. Approach the cause without viewing anyone as an enemy and strive to help others understand the principles we stand for.


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