“Parenting progress but not quite perfection”

By Christian Paasch


What would you do if your child, who had been getting D- grades on report cards, brought one home with a C- instead? Would you rejoice and say that’s good enough? Or would you view it as a decent start with plenty of opportunity for improvement?

That is exactly the kind of improved position Virginia is in, based on recent legislative action by your Virginia affiliate of the National Parents Organization.

As a result of the landmark 2018 H.B. 1351, which requires courts to consider joint physical custody and joint legal custody on par with or equal to sole custody, Virginia has just received a C- in the 2019 NPO Shared Parenting Report Card.

While this is certainly not outstanding, it does put Virginia on the right path toward doing not only what’s been proven best for children and families, but what its neighboring state of Kentucky has already done: make shared parenting the norm and de facto starting point.


“Opinion/Commentary: Decreasing child-custody conflict after divorce, separation”


“W.Va. needs to adopt shared custody”